Lessons from the Garden to Life…

I love gardening for many reasons--it provides nourishing food as well as aesthetically pleasing flowers, and it can teach you valuable life lessons... if you look carefully. Take for instance, our THRIVING spinach. When we first planted them, they almost died. What did we do wrong? We gave the seedlings light, water and soil; however, they continued to struggle. Instead of throwing them out, which was suggested, we replanted/transplanted them to a new spot that received much more shade and contained soil with a higher Nitrogen content. Within days, the three seedlings began to sprout quickly, doubling in size. Now, they’re reaching 10 feet long and started growing in the neighbor’s yard!

Even something as natural and nourishing as sunlight can be harmful in large amounts.”

Plants are living beings that need to be cared for just as we need to care for ourselves. What in your life is causing harm or a sense of lacking? Even something as natural and nourishing as sunlight can be harmful in large amounts. Maybe you’re practicing proper social distancing but are accidentally emotionally isolating, as well. Maybe you’re stuck in a rut thinking that you’ll push through the monotony the following Monday. Focus in on your environment to determine what is feeding you and what is feeding on you. Our spinach went from barely surviving to thriving with a few simple change...,maybe you can, too.


Let’s Grow It! Seeds or Seedlings?